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The UK Association for Accessible Formats (UKAAF)

Founded in 2009, the UK Association for Accessible Formats (UKAAF, pronounced “u-caff”) is an industry association with a powerful blend of accessible format industry experience and expertise, and user voices, brought together by the recent merger of three former industry associations: COTIS (Confederation of Transcribed Information Services), UKABP (UK Association of Braille Producers), and BAUK (the Braille Authority of the UK).

All three associations agreed unanimously during 2008 to join forces to make better use of resources, and to make a bigger impact for the benefit of blind and partially sighted people.

This gives us a coordinated and more powerful voice to develop and promote codes, standards, and best-practice for the production and provision of accessible formats (such as large print, braille, audio, electronic text, accessible images etc), based on user needs.

It also makes it much easier for service providers and transcribers to find out how they should be providing quality materials in accessible formats to people with print impairments, and for end-users to share their requirements with service providers and to find out what they should be expecting of their service providers.

As an industry association the work we do is carried out by members, from their own organisations, or in their own time. Read more about how we’re organised, and our constitution.

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Member Info

Liaison Member
Joined November 2019
Headquartered in United Kingdom


Carina Birt Board member responsible for public relations

Roger Firman Vice Chairman

Richard West Chairman

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