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Produced by RealObjects

23a975db17PDFreactor is the perfect printing component for web applications. It is typically used for server-side conversion of HTML to PDF, ranging from dynamic data-driven documents (reports, invoices, forms, data sheets) for electronic distribution to complex and high-quality PDFs (catalogs, marketing collateral, technical documentation, journals) for print and electronic publishing.

HTML to PDF with pdfreactor.com

  • tapeteHTML 5
    • Convert your HTML5 to PDF documents without additional pre-processing or clean-up. Supports all HTML5 elements.
  • JavaScript
    • Transfer JavaScript driven layouts to PDF. Support for HTML 5 Canvas, HighCharts, amCharts and other JavaScript libraries out of the box.
  • CSS3
    • Use cutting-edge CSS3 to create great looking tables and text. Apply gradients to elements, transform, rotate, scale them. Supports regions, running elements and flexible box layout.
  • Accessibility
    • PDFreactor supports the creation of tagged PDF documents in line with accessibility guidelines, including Section 508.
  • PDF/A
    • PDFreactor easily allows to create PDF/A (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2u, 3a, 3b and 3u) and PDF/UA compliant files for the long-term archiving of electronic documents.
  • W3C Standards
    • PDFreactor is based on the latest W3C standards for CSS 2.1, CSS 3, HTML and XML, providing the highest flexibility and interoperability.

Product Type

API / SDK Windows MacOS Linux Server Command-line Developer tool Java Web service
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